Butterflybirthdayparty Part 2
This post is about the games we played at the birthday party and the craft we've done. Last year I crafted a little with the kids and thought that was really nice. So I decided to do some crafting this year as well...
Last year we made these flower headbands from Ruffles and Stuff. I love her blog, the way she writes and her photography are just wonderful.
Because the theme of the party was butterflies. It was immediately clear to me that the girls need butterfly wings. While researching for the party, I found several websites who used cardboard and ribbons to make wings. I had the kids decorate them with stickers, stamps and markers.
I will credit all those websites in another post.
Here you can see a little party guest wearing her butterflies:
Each girl received a little tutu as well, they were super easy thanks to this video-tutorial! I did not use 4 yards of tulle though. I thought 2 yards would suffice for this project and it did:
I only had one partytheme-related game... First I read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpilar, while my sisters hid little pictures of all the steps of metamorphosis. One set for each kid. In my case I just googled for the pictures indiviually. I could find a picture from the book of every step, except the egg. But I just googled caterpillar egg and chose a photo I liked. Each kid got a little butterfly-net from a Euro-Store (like a Dollar-Store) and they had to find one set of the pictures. If one had all, he could choose a prize and help the others to find their set.
They all had fun with this.
Of course, there were more games, but more typical birthday party games.
Here is a short lis, I made some of the names up, since I don't know all the games in English. If you find a familar game and you know the right English name for it, please comment.
Find the Saucepan!: One kid gets blind-folded, the others put the saucepan somewhere in the room and put a piece of candy underneath it. Then the blindfolded kid gets a big wooden spoon and has to crawl all over the floor, tapping the floor with the spoon until he hits the saucepan. The other kids can help by saying cold when the kid is far away from the saucepan and warm, warmer and hot when the blindfolded kid gets closer to the saucepan. The blindfolded kid can keep the candy underneath the saucepan.
Puppy, your bone is gone!: Everyone sits in a circle except one, who has to sit in the middle of the circle, this kid is either blind-folded or has to bend forward so she/he cannot see anything. Then you give one of the kids a piece of candy. Careful, everyone has to be super silent and everyone has to put their hands behind their backs. Then everyone says: "Puppy, your bone is gone!" and the kid in the middle can come up or can be un-blind-folded. Now the "puppy" chooses, which of the kids has the candy and barks at the kid. The kid shows her/his hands. If the kid had the candy, the puppy can keep it. If not the puppy gets two more chances to win the candy.
Candy-Memory: This works exactly like normal memory, except that instead of cards you use papercups. There is candy hidden underneath the cups. Of each kind of candy one pair. If one of the kids finds a pair of candy, she/he can keep it.
Careful, in all of these games you can win candy. Don't let the kids eat all the candy, I made little totes for each kid with their names on them. They can put the candy inside of that tote. Of course, the kids were allowed to eat a piece of candy now and then, just not all of it... Otherwise you'll have screaming, sick or just plain never-tired kids in the end. The parents won't thank you for that! ;o)
I will show you the totes in another post.
But oh dear... There were going to be boys as well... So since it was super easy to find something for the girsl, it had to be super hard for the boys, right? That's life...
But of course, I found something...
They were going to be caterpillars... With antennae hats instead of the tutu and legs instead of the wings...
I made a kind-of-harness where the legs were attached. Here you can see a picture
Here are the hats...
I made the hats with this pattern and tutorial, I just didn't add the ribbon. Hot-glued on two pipecleaner, which I rolled into a spiral and added smal styrofoam balls and googly eyes.
Note to myself: Make a light box... ;o)
But of course, I found something...
They were going to be caterpillars... With antennae hats instead of the tutu and legs instead of the wings...
I made a kind-of-harness where the legs were attached. Here you can see a picture
Here are the hats...
I made the hats with this pattern and tutorial, I just didn't add the ribbon. Hot-glued on two pipecleaner, which I rolled into a spiral and added smal styrofoam balls and googly eyes.
Note to myself: Make a light box... ;o)
I only had one partytheme-related game... First I read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpilar, while my sisters hid little pictures of all the steps of metamorphosis. One set for each kid. In my case I just googled for the pictures indiviually. I could find a picture from the book of every step, except the egg. But I just googled caterpillar egg and chose a photo I liked. Each kid got a little butterfly-net from a Euro-Store (like a Dollar-Store) and they had to find one set of the pictures. If one had all, he could choose a prize and help the others to find their set.
They all had fun with this.
Of course, there were more games, but more typical birthday party games.
Here is a short lis, I made some of the names up, since I don't know all the games in English. If you find a familar game and you know the right English name for it, please comment.
Find the Saucepan!: One kid gets blind-folded, the others put the saucepan somewhere in the room and put a piece of candy underneath it. Then the blindfolded kid gets a big wooden spoon and has to crawl all over the floor, tapping the floor with the spoon until he hits the saucepan. The other kids can help by saying cold when the kid is far away from the saucepan and warm, warmer and hot when the blindfolded kid gets closer to the saucepan. The blindfolded kid can keep the candy underneath the saucepan.
Puppy, your bone is gone!: Everyone sits in a circle except one, who has to sit in the middle of the circle, this kid is either blind-folded or has to bend forward so she/he cannot see anything. Then you give one of the kids a piece of candy. Careful, everyone has to be super silent and everyone has to put their hands behind their backs. Then everyone says: "Puppy, your bone is gone!" and the kid in the middle can come up or can be un-blind-folded. Now the "puppy" chooses, which of the kids has the candy and barks at the kid. The kid shows her/his hands. If the kid had the candy, the puppy can keep it. If not the puppy gets two more chances to win the candy.
Candy-Memory: This works exactly like normal memory, except that instead of cards you use papercups. There is candy hidden underneath the cups. Of each kind of candy one pair. If one of the kids finds a pair of candy, she/he can keep it.
Careful, in all of these games you can win candy. Don't let the kids eat all the candy, I made little totes for each kid with their names on them. They can put the candy inside of that tote. Of course, the kids were allowed to eat a piece of candy now and then, just not all of it... Otherwise you'll have screaming, sick or just plain never-tired kids in the end. The parents won't thank you for that! ;o)
I will show you the totes in another post.
Ok, so next will be my suuuuper-weird pinata... Yep, I made a super weird pinata...
Farewell my dear friends!
Schmetterlingsgeburtstagsparty Part 2
Hier geht es um die Spiele, die wir gespielt haben und um das was wir basteln. Auch letztes Jahr habe ich mit den Kindern gebastelt und fand das sehr gut, also habe ich mich auch dieses Jahr dafür entschieden zu basteln...
Letztes Jahr haben wir diese Haarreifen von Ruffles and Stuff gebastelt. Ich liebe ihren Blog, ihre Art zu schreiben und die Photos, die sie macht, sind einfach wunderbar.
Da das Thema Schmetterlinge war, war natürlich sofort klar, dass die Mädels auch Flügel brauchen. In meiner Recherche dazu, habe ich öfter gelesen, dass die Kinder immer aus festem Karton ausgeschnittene Flügel gestalten können, die dann mit einem langen Band am Kind befestigt werden.
Alle wichtigen Internetseiten werde ich euch in einem extra Post zeigen.
Pefekt... Hier das Ergebnis eines der Kinder:
Pefekt... Hier das Ergebnis eines der Kinder:
Passen dazu gab es noch Tütüs für die Mädels. Die Tütüs waren wirklich super leicht, dank diesem Video!
Aber, oh Schreck, es kommen ja auch Jungs. So einfach es für Mädels war, so schwerer war es für die Jungs was zu finden! Tja so is das Leben! ;o)
Aber natürlich fiel mir dann doch noch was ein... Die Jungs sind dann einfach Raupen... Ich habe sowas wie ein Geschirr für die Jungs gemacht, an dem die Beine befestigt sind... Hier ein Photo
Und hier ein Foto von den Mützen
Ich habe einfach dieses Schnittmuster verwendet, habe aber das Satinband weggelassen...Dann noch zwei Pfeifenputzer, die ich in Spiralen gewickelt habe und zwei kleine Styroporkugel mit Wackelaugen.
Ich hatte nur ein themen-spezifisches Spiel geplant. Als erstes habe ich die Raupe Nimmersatt vorgelesen. Während meine Schwestern draußen Bilder von den 5 Stationen der Metamorphose, jeweils ein Set pro Kind, versteckt haben. Nach der Geschichte, in der sie die 5 Stationen der Metamorphose kennen gelernt haben, durften die Kinder mit ihren Netzen die kleinen Bilder "fangen". Die Netze kommen aus so einem Insektenuntersuchungsset von einem 1-Euro-Laden. Wer alle 5 Bilder gefunden hat, durfte sich anschließend einen Preis aussuchen.
Dann haben wir noch typische Kindergeburtstagsspiele gespielt. Im englischen Teil habe ich die Spiele genauer erklärt, das spar ich mir, da ich davon ausgehe, dass jeder die Spiele kennt. Wenn nicht, einfach im englischen Teil nachschauen oder mich fragen. Ich würde es dann auch kurz erklären.
Gespielt wurde u.a. Topfschlagen (DER Klassiker), "Bello, Bello, dein Knochen ist weg" und Süßigkeiten-Memory, bei dem unter Pappbechern paarweise Süßigkeiten versteckt sind und dann wird damit Memory gespielt.
Achtung! Die Kinder haben viele Süßigkeiten während der Party gewonnen, essen durften sie sie natürlich nicht alle. Ansonsten gibts Hyper-Kinder oder Kindern, mit Magenaua. Ab und zu mal eine süße Sache gabs natürlich schon, ansonsten sind die sofort in ihre Beutelchen gewandert, die ich extra gemacht habe. Ich werde sie in einem späteren Post genauer vorstellen.
Im nächsten Post stell ich dann meine super exzentrische Pinata vor...jup SUPER exzentrisch.
Auf Wiedersehen und machets jut!
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